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Micro-Grant FAQs

You are invited to be an architect of the Town of Riverview’s future and contribute to our Sustainability Plan.

What is the community micro-grant program?
The Town of Riverview offers small-scale grants to projects that will contribute to the overall sustainability of the Town. Eligible projects are community-driven and create meaningful impact and community awareness for the Town’s Sustainability Focus Areas.

What type of projects will be eligible for funding?
Projects that will...

  • Move toward achieving goals and actions that address the Town’s Sustainability Areas of Focus, and improve the visibility and knowledge of the Town’s Sustainability Focus Areas;
  • Contribute to actions that foster principles of sustainable development and sustainability principles in decision making;
  • Foster community partnerships and collaboration;
  • Engage community members in fun, meaningful and impactful projects that create an awareness of the importance and value of the Town’s Sustainability Focus Areas; 

Who can apply for Funding?
Eligible partners include Riverview organizations, institutions, students, businesses and residents. Applicants can submit multiple applications for different projects, however, applicants will not receive funding for more than one project.

How much funding is available?
Up to 100% of eligible expenses for a project up to a maximum of $5000. Funds will be distributed to applicants based on availability.

What are eligible expenses? 
Costs associated with the implementation of the approved project. The costs incurred between the time of application submission and notification of project approval are eligible for reimbursement. If the project is not approved, all incurred costs are the responsibility of the applicant. Projects must be completed by December 31 in the year in which you apply.

Can a micro grant be used to pay wages and honorariums?
This will be reviewed on a case-by-case-basis as there are many approaches to these projects. As general guidelines, this project is not intended to provide funding for a staff person that already exists, and so salaries of existing staff in an organization would be ineligible. The micro-grant could potentially cover up to a maximum of 50% of the total costs for honorariums and wages as long as it is demonstrated that the project would not happen otherwise. 

What are ineligible projects/expenses?
Fundraising events and expenditures made prior to application submission are not eligible for reimbursement.

How many projects will be funded?
The total number of projects funded will depend on how many projects meet funding criteria, how much funding each project requests, and which applicants are the chosen finalists.

When is the Application Deadline?
Deadlines and event dates are available on our Grants & Sponsorships webpage. All projects must be completed and final reports and claims submitted no later than December 31 in the year in which you apply.

How will projects be selected?
Projects will be chosen based on the ability of the applicant to demonstrate that their project meets the criteria outlined above. Projects will be selected by a panel with an in-depth understanding of community issues. They will identify the most valuable projects to pursue at this time & award grants within our given resources and capacities. Successful projects will demonstrate they have the ability to effectively implement the chosen actions to achieve results. 

Accounting: Applicants will maintain a record of expenditures incurred and upon completion of the project submit the following to the Town: 

  • Financial statement summarizing expenditures; 
  • Copies of all paid invoices with verification of payment; 
  • A one-page summary on how the project went and results in terms of meeting applicant and program objectives/purposes; 
  • Photographs of project and, when feasible, copies of material produced; 
  • A completed claim form. 

All forms needed will be provided.