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Planning and Development

Financial Incentive Program

The Town of Riverview offers a competitive community improvement grant that is available for non-residential and mixed-use development projects that accelerate growth and development in the Town’s most prized commercial zones. Property owners that promote private-sector investment through development, redevelopment, and construction activity on underdeveloped or vacant commercial land may be eligible to apply. Visit our Development Incentives page to learn more or download our program criteria and application today. Our team of qualified experts are on-hand to help you with all of your development needs. Contact us.

Planning Services

Land use planning guides development in an orderly manner, reduces land use conflict, protects the physical environment, protests and maintains valuable resources and provides stability to residents regarding what uses can be expected in their neighbourhood. Planning is done in the public's interest to protect and enhance the community. The Town of Riverview has adopted a Municipal Plan and a Zoning 
By-law to guide and direct the development of the Town with both the short term and long term vision of the community in mind. Contact us

Related Information:


Business Services

Planning to locate your business in the Town of Riverview or have an existing business that requires assistance with growth and development? Contact our Department of Economic Development or visit our Business Resources page to get started.

Engineering Services

The Department of Engineering and Public Works is responsible for service connections and drainage plan approvals. Call 506-387-2030 for assistance or fill out the PDF form to the right to request services. You can bring this into our Operations Centre at 300 Robertson Street or email it to

Building Approvals

The building and development permit's primary role is to protect the property owner and community by assuring that the development is in conformity with regulations, by-laws, and the National Building Code of Canada.

A building permit is required for all work on a new building or structure and for the demolition, relocation, alteration, or replacement of an existing building or structure. Changes in the use of a building or land may also require a permit.

In areas where there is a land-use by-law in effect, it is also necessary to obtain a development permit. A development permit provides confirmation that the project is in compliance with the regulations of the land use by-law with regards to the use, lot requirements, and development requirements. When required, a development permit must be issued prior to the issuance of the building permit. Contact us

Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)

The Planning Advisory Committee is responsible to:

a) advise Council on amendments to by-laws enacted under the Community Planning Act, such as the Municipal Plan, Zoning By-law, Subdivision By-law, etc., as well as to provide views on other land-use related matters; and

b) to make decisions on variances, temporary uses, conditional uses, and similar or compatible use applications. 


Monthly meetings of the Planning Advisory Committee will take place on the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers at Town Hall.