Community Voices Wanted: Help Shape Riverview’s Economic Runway
Complete the Community Economic Development Strategy Survey Now!
RIVERVIEW (N.B.) – The Town of Riverview is in the process of creating a new Community Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). The foundation of the proposed CEDS is built on the values of collaboration, creativity, diversity, and vitality with a mission "to foster a sustainable and inclusive community in collaboration with key partners" so that we can all move Riverview closer to becoming a "welcoming and prosperous community for all.”
Community members are invited to join us for a public consultation and presentation of the preliminary CEDS and be a part of Riverview’s evolution! Residents are encouraged to make it out to at least one of the two engagement events, of course participants are welcome to swing by both if they wish.
We would also encourage all participants to take a few minutes, whether you plan to attend a session, to fill out the CEDS online survey created as a platform to provide feedback.
What: CEDS Public Consultation Sessions
When: Thursday, June 20th, 12 p.m. and/or 7 p.m.
How Long: 2 hours
Where: Council Chambers, Town Hall
Snacks: You can count on it!
12/7 p.m. – Welcome & Snacks
12:05/7:05 p.m. – Introduction
12:10/7:10 p.m. – Strategic Process
12:30/7:30 p.m. – Community Economic Development Strategy Draft Overview
1/8 p.m. – Q&A Session
1:20/8:20 p.m. – Idea Brainstorm Stations
1:50/8:50 p.m. – Survey Outline
2/9 p.m. – Session Adjourned
To prepare for this session, some context is important:
What is the Municipal Plan?
The Municipal Plan is an urban planning tool that represents a roadmap and guidebook for Riverview. It helps us decide where things should go and how we should grow. For example, it tells us:
- Where houses, shops, and parks should be built;
- Where we can protect natural areas;
- Where we need roads, schools, and other important infrastructure;
- Building requirements, guidelines, and processes;
And much more!
Think of it as a plan to make sure our town develops in a way that's good for everyone and keeps our community beautiful and functional. We're also hosting Open Houses for the public to engage and give feedback on the updated Municipal Plan this month. These meetings will be held at Riverview Town Hall on June 12 and 13 - with afternoon (1-3 p.m.) and evening (6-8 p.m.) sessions planned for both dates. All are welcome to share input on the future of zoning and development priorities in Riverview.
What is the Community Economic Development Strategy?
The Community Economic Development Strategy is a set of pillars and initiatives that help our town thrive and become more prosperous. It focuses on:
- Bringing in new businesses and supporting existing ones;
- Advocating for better community services and amenities;
- Enhancing lifestyles through supporting the town’s cultural, recreational, artistic, touristic, and natural assets and events;
- Activating action plans that support housing development; and
- Increasing our tax base, which means more money to fund municipal services like public and active transportation, parks, festivals, and emergency services.
This strategy helps us figure out the best ways to attract and grow businesses, new residents, and our housing supply, so that we all benefit from a stronger economy and more varied choices for where we shop, play, and live.
How Are They Connected?
The Municipal Plan and the Community Economic Development Strategy are closely related because they both help shape our town’s future, but they do it in different ways:
- The Municipal Plan focuses on where things should go and how we should grow physically and aims to organize and manage land use most effectively and sustainably.
- The Community Economic Development Strategy focuses on making our town’s economy more resilient and diversified and aims to create opportunities that benefit the community while improving the town’s resources.
By working together, these two plans ensure that as our town grows, it does so in a way that’s well-organized, sustainable, and economically viable, providing the services and quality of life we all enjoy.
We look forward to having residents participate in the Town of Riverview’s upcoming public consultation sessions!