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A mother pushing a stroller into the library on a summer day with another child walking beside them

Council Begins 2024 Budget Discussions October 11

Riverview Town Council will discuss the 2024 municipal budget during a series of public meetings held in Council Chambers at Riverview Town Hall, 30 Honour House Court. Residents are invited to attend or tune in via the live stream channel at  
The following is the list of meetings scheduled in advance, however additional meetings may be required and will be shared on 

Wednesday, Oct 11
6:00 p.m.

External presentations by:

Riverview Public Library  

Boys & Girls Club  

Capitol Theatre  

Riverview Arts Centre  


Codiac Transpo  


Codiac Regional Policing Authority

Wednesday, Nov. 1
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Open Council – Staff presentation of budget to Council
Saturday, Nov.4
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Open Council – Staff presentation of budget to Council (if needed)
Tuesday, Nov. 14
7 p.m.
Open Council – Council votes to approve budget 


The process for developing the budget begins in the fall of each year. At that time, Council establishes priorities for the upcoming budget based on staff and citizen input provided throughout the year. Council deliberates and approves the budget in November. 

Budget Feedback 

Comments, submissions and requests for information regarding the municipal budget may be directed to the Department of Finance at or by contacting a Councillor directly.