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male and female owners give a thumbs up in front of authenic asian food canteen

Fueled by Food – From Immigration to Expansion, Local Business Owners Feed You Like Family

While enjoying a heaping portion of stir-fried noodles, you rarely stop to think of the history that went into creating such a comforting dish. For Eduardo Padrones, that history includes influence from his birthplace in the Philippines, a passion for food, and many teachers along the way that culminated in his dream of owning and operating a restaurant.  
“When I came here, I started work in the food industry from bakeries like Hofer's German Bakery, Nico's Bakery in Riverview, as well as Tim Hortons, Subway, and various Asian Restaurants,” he said. “From there, I gained some skills and experience that ignited my passion for cooking and baking. I started cooking for friends and family who soon began ordering food from me for special occasions. One day, I decided to apply to be a vendor at a local market and the response from customers was amazing. I was so happy they enjoyed my food!”  

And so Authentic Asian Food (AAF) was born out of years of professional training and a deep passion for home-cooked meals. Eduardo decided to pursue his dream of owning a food truck back in October of 2019. In the same year, he enrolled at the New Brunswick Community College. He finished his Culinary Arts and Management Diploma to improve his business's efficiency, hoping to expand it in the future.  

Growth was on the horizon and in December 2022, Authentic Asian Food was awarded the license to operate the canteen in the Byron Dobson Memorial Arena. In addition to the canteen, Eduardo alongside Maria Celestina Agustin and their AAF team, operates a seasonal food truck at 394 Coverdale Road in Riverview and participates in various farmers’ markets around New Brunswick, including Shediac and Bouctouche. The expansion into the arena truly feels collaborative for Eduardo and Maria.  

“The real pride of our canteen is our highly motivated staff, our relationships with our patrons, and most of all, the victories and defeats that we will share with the teams playing in the arena,” Eduardo explained. “Those are the moments that matter.” 
As an extension of the community, their goal is to serve high quality, affordable food to complement the existing offerings and activities at the arena.  
“We are committed to providing a range of fresh food with the most authentic Asian experience,” he explained. “We are honoured to play a part in the performance of our patrons by fueling them with nutritious, delicious food.” 

Among their core beliefs is the spirit of family and modesty in providing a respectful customer experience, with a desire for continuous improvement guided by their humble beginnings. 

“Our goal is to create an inclusive atmosphere that will win the hearts of customers of all ages and backgrounds,” said Eduardo. “We treat each other as family, including our customers. We operate in the spirit of fun, ensuring that every moment spent in our canteen, before and after each game, is exceptional and sincere.” 
As far as the menu offerings from Authentic Asian Food inside the Byron Dobson Memorial Arena, hungry visitors can expect a variety of tasty treats. 

“Our menu consists of freshly cooked savory appetizers such as dumplings and buns, huge servings of noodle dishes, and some Filipino favorites,” he said. “Of course, there is also the option to order Canadian rink essentials like poutine, popcorn, and the ever-popular air heads!” 
Community-oriented is a way of life for the Authentic Asian Food team. 

“We believe that community is built from gathering people from different walks of life to share experiences and interests. Enjoying these moments together and making memories has a significant impact on every individual who is part of it. We’re proud to be a part of some of those memories here in Riverview.” 

Family-first was one of the reasons they chose to plant roots in Riverview. 
“Riverview is a quiet and friendly community,” he said. “The school is perfect for my kids. The town makes major investments in parks, walking, biking and ski trails, and recreational activities. We feel safe living in Riverview and as landed immigrants, Riverview is a beautiful place away from home.” 

Whether you are there to hit the ice, watch a game, or simply hungry for some delicious food, visit the Authentic Asian Food team inside the Byron Dobson memorial Arena at 90 Biggs Drive. They boast service with a smile, hot and convenient meals, as well as a family atmosphere that will make you want to come back soon. Celebrate their official Grand Opening on Wednesday, January 25 at 12 p.m. and be sure to ask them about their new party tray for your next special occasion!