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2 fat bikers on a snowy trail. Photo credit to Andre Boulard

Mill Creek Nature Park: Partial Closure

Please be advised that the following sections of Mill Creek Nature Park will be closed to users on Sunday, February 9, from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. to host the inaugural Fat & Flurious Fatbike Race as a part of Riverview Winter Carnival.

  • Robertson parking lot, Operations Centre Parking lot + western partial section of Mill Creek Nature Trail
  • South side of the reservoir, including White Pine Trail
  • Brown snowshoe loop/partial green snowshoe loop

Sections of the park that are open include:

  • Pink snowshoe loop
  • Reservoir Trail, Nolan’s Gully Trail, Meadow Hill Trail + eastern partial section of Mill Creek Nature Trail
  • Lookout and Dam
  • Bridgedale Boulevard parking lot

This Velo NB sanctioned race and poker run is expected to draw participants from around the Maritimes. Community volunteers have spent hundreds of hours preparing the course, grooming the terrain, and organizing the race day logistics. 

The Town apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause and thanks you for your cooperation.