Come join ElderDog Moncton PAWD for a Pancake Breakfast at the Riverview Lion's Club! Saturday, November 9 8 - 11 a.m. $10 each or $30 for a family (kids 5 & under eat free) Pre-purchase your tickets by emailing 50/50 draw and door prize will be on site! Visit for details on ElderDog Canada. All their services are...
This event is not organized by the Town of Riverview.
For more information about this event, contact the organizing host.
For more information about this event, contact the organizing host.
Riverview Lions Club
701 Coverdale Rd.
Riverview NB
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5:00 pm to
5:00 pm to
9:00 pm
9:00 pm
Part Of:
Jolly Ole' Saint Nick is flying into Riverview to help kick off Light Up! Both Santa and the Grinch will be available for visits and photos at Made With Love - Janet's Bake Shop & Crafts (206 Pine Glen Rd.) from 5:30-8 p.m. Janet will have "Tacos in a Bag" for folks looking for supper to go from 5-7 p.m...
This event is not organized by the Town of Riverview.
For more information about this event, contact the organizing host.
For more information about this event, contact the organizing host.
Made With Love - Janet's Bake Shop & Crafts
206 Pine Glen Road
Riverview NB E1B 1V6
News Article
Council Highlights provide a snapshot of public meetings. For the official record, please refer to the adopted minutes, which are posted once approved at the next month’s Regular Council Meeting. Consult this meeting's agenda to view presentations and files mentioned in the Council Highlights. Public Hearing Prior to the Committee of the Whole Meeting, Riverview Town Council considered the proposed rezoning of PID...
News Article
RIVERVIEW (N.B.) - The Town of Riverview will be installing a pedestrian half-signal on Coverdale Road at the intersection of Golf Course Road from November 4 to the end of November 2024. This sidewalk closure is required for the safety of pedestrians and the lane reduction (one lane of traffic in each direction) is required for the crew and equipment to...

Maritime Creations is hosting it's 4th Annual Handmade Holiday Craft Fair on December 1, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. It will be held at the Riverview Community Hall located at 145A Lakeside Drive (beside the Byron Dobson Arena), with ample free parking on site. The net proceeds from the event will be donated to the Rebecca Schofield Fund. With...
This event is not organized by the Town of Riverview.
For more information about this event, contact the organizing host.
For more information about this event, contact the organizing host.
Riverview Community Hall
145a Lakeside Drive
Riverview NB E1B 4K7
Celebrate our people and our people’s talents! The Town of Riverview supports programs, festivals, and events that strengthen pride in our community and bring artistic talent to residents. Arts and culture make a community more welcoming to new residents, inspire new ideas and economic benefits, and simply make day-to-day life more rich and rewarding. Find out about the Town's Art...
Part Of:
Join us for a guided walk through the sparkling lights along the Riverfront Trail! We will continue with a trek across the Gunningsville Bridge to a high point on the Moncton side of the Riverfront Trail to enjoy the spectacular views of Light Up Riverview! On the way back to Riverview, we will stop for a break to enjoy gourmet...
Riverfront Trail Gazebo
Coverdale Road
Riverview NB
News Article
Riverview Town Council will discuss the 2025 municipal budget during a series of public meetings held in Council Chambers at Riverview Town Hall, 30 Honour House Court. Residents are invited to attend or tune in via the live stream channel on our website. The following is the list of meetings scheduled in advance, however additional meetings may be required and...

News Article
RIVERVIEW (N.B.) - The Town of Riverview will be conducting scheduled repairs of the Higgs Brook bridge on Wednesday, November 13, 2024. This maintenance is required for the safety of trail users and the temporary closure of a portion of the Riverfront Trail is needed for crews to be able to do the work safely and efficiently. The work is expected...

News Article
It's the most wonderful time of the year - bundle up for festive fun along the twinkling riverfront as we Light Up Riverview once again! Over 40,000 lights illuminate Riverview's riverfront for all to experience the magic of the holiday season. Mayor Andrew J. Leblanc and Riverview Town Council invite you to join them on the Riverfront Trail on Thursday, November...