News Article
Shannon Shaban of Dayzee’s Fashions noticed there was something special about Riverview when she and her mother relocated their thrift shop to 540 Pinewood Road in November of 2020. Shannon was immediately struck by the friendliness and kindness of residents stopping by. “Riverview is filled with fun-loving citizens that welcomed us with open arms,” says Shannon. “The community of Riverview...

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Routine sewer cleaning and video inspection is underway in the Town of Riverview. The work will be conducted in the Irving, Callowhill, and Callaghan Road areas. The work is expected to last two to three weeks. The Town of Riverview has approximately 125 km of sanitary sewer and 100 km of storm sewer lines. The Town recommends residents take some...

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Riverview (N.B.) – The Town of Riverview is happy to advise residents that the 2023 Capital Project at Mill Creek Nature Park has been completed. A 1.3 km trail along the south side of the Mill Creek Reservoir is now open for walking and cycling. The 3m wide trail, finished with gravel tailings, connects the Park’s two primary bridges and...

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Council Highlights provide a snapshot of public meetings. For the official record, please refer to the adopted minutes, which are posted once approved at the next month’s Regular Council Meeting. Consult this meeting's agenda to view presentations and files mentioned in the Council Highlights. Regular Council Meeting – October 10, 2023 ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES Regular Council Meeting – September...
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Tucked at the back of Riverview Place is a neighbourhood pub that residents have been talking about since it opened 31 years ago. The current owners, Curtis Strickland and Nancy Cromwell, have been building on the foundation of the Fox & Hound Neighbourhood Pub for the last 11 years. “I had the pleasure of working with the previous owner of...

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RIVERVIEW (N.B.) – The Senior's Roundtable, with support from the Town of Riverview, has launched their Age-Friendly Community Survey Report. The report compiles and highlights the findings from the survey which gathered feedback from Riverview residents aged 55+ earlier this year. The community survey, and subsequent report, are part of the requirements to obtain the Age-Friendly Community Designation. "One of...

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Brent Martin grew up seeing the ins and outs of a career in the trades. He worked alongside his father and his uncle growing up, and loved the work so much that he obtained his red seal in sheet metal and refrigeration. In 2018 Brent started his own business, MTN HVAC, offering heat pump service in Greater Moncton and the...

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Art has been a passion for Terry Wenarchuk from a young age. As a child he loved art, he went on to study graphic design and IT, and as the owner of Futura Signs & Designs he counts himself lucky to get to be creative and do what he loves every day. In 2009 Terry and his family moved to...

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Council Highlights provide a snapshot of public meetings. For the official record, please refer to the adopted minutes, which are posted once approved at the next month’s Regular Council Meeting. Consult this meeting's agenda to view presentations and files mentioned in the Council Highlights. Committee of the Whole Council Meeting – October 23, 2023 External Reports Building & Planning – Building and Permit...
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The partnership between Ellen MacDonald and Serge LeBlanc is built upon mutual respect, a shared passion for business ownership, and a relationship spanning over two decades. The proud owners of the Old Time Meat Market at 711 Coverdale Road, Serge and Ellen both have 35 years of experience in the meat industry and have been running the Market since 2013...