Riverview Welcomes New Ward 1 Councillor
RIVERVIEW (N.B.) – Councillor Richard Blackstock was officially sworn in as Ward 1 Councillor for the Town of Riverview this evening. The Oath of Office Ceremony took place prior to a Special Council Meeting on December 16th.
Ward 1 is the area of East Riverview, from Gunningsville Boulevard over.
Mayor Andrew J. LeBlanc welcomed Councillor Blackstock into this role tonight, who was elected by acclamation as the successful candidate in the December by-election. Councillor Blackstock is originally from London, England, and moved to Riverview in 2011. He says that they chose to settle in his wife's hometown of Riverview for the friendly community, the proximity to nature, and the great potential the region has to offer.
He will hold this seat until the 2026 municipal election.
Learn more about Councillor Blackstock.