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Emergency Measures Organization (EMO)

In the case of a local or regional disaster, you’re not alone. The Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) is responsible for emergency planning in the Town of Riverview. EMO planning initiatives are concerned with preparedness, damage mitigation, response, and recovery in the case of a major disaster. The EMO also promotes emergency preparedness for all residents, organizations and businesses in the Town of Riverview.

Emergency preparedness begins by understanding the potential impact of risks in our region. The Riverview EMO has identified the following local hazards, and encourages all residents and business owners to reduce the impact of these disasters before they occur.

Do you have a family emergency plan? It will take you only about 20 minutes to create one online.

Emergency Kit

In an emergency, you will need some basic supplies. You may already have a flashlight but could you find it in the dark? An emergency kit should be well-organized and easy to retrieve if your family has to evacuate or get by without power or tap water. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours. For more information on preparing for an emergency, consult the 72-hour Emergency Preparedness Guide.

In the event of a public safety emergency dial 9-1-1.
Riverview EMO Coordinator