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Council Highlights - September 25, 2023

Council Highlights provide a snapshot of public meetings. For the official record, please refer to the adopted minutes, which are posted once approved at the next month’s Regular Council Meeting. Consult this meeting's agenda to view presentations and files mentioned in the Council Highlights.  


Committee of the Whole Council Meeting – September 25, 2023 


Petitions, Presentations & Delegations

Presentation by David Campbell, Jupia Consultants Inc - Mr. Campbell presented the recent Commercial Market Threshold Analysis for the Town to Council. Staff noted five key takeaways from the report to help Riverview rise to meet the needs of residents' demand for additional services and shopping in town. The takeaways were as follows:

  • Develop key fact sheets and marketing packages to use as promotional material to stimulate commercial development.
  • Target prospectus campaigns for specific industry gaps.
  • Focused engagement with the Town’s development community.
  • Lead a Business Forum with the business and development community to provide an overview of the report and actions the Town will be taking (including gaining the business community’s input through a post-event survey).
  • Explore labor force attraction campaigns for specific sectors that may be underperforming due to worker shortages (i.e., construction, healthcare, childcare, education, etc.). 

External Reports 

  • Building and Planning – Development activity report and the Building Permit Report for June, July and August 2023 were shared. 
  • Codiac RCMP shared activity reports for the tri-communities for June, July and August - Superintendent Jolette and Cpl. Belanger provided an overview of current work, and shared an update on community policing in Riverview - including their work on emergency preparedness in schools. 

Departmental Reports 

  • All departments shared their reports for July-September 2023.
  • We had a record-breaking summer event season in 2023 with our Parks, Recreation and Community Relations team organizing many events to bring the community together. From SUNFEST, and the Art in the Park series to Block Parties and new campfire programming in Mill Creek, there was something for everyone to enjoy this summer in Riverview.
  • Over the past few years, Economic Development conditions have drastically changed in the area, and as such a new Economic Development strategy is needed. 

Other Business 

  • Grant Report - September 2023 - Further to the recommendations outlined by Council to be ratified at the next Regular Council Meeting, staff also approved a grant in the amount of $500 for a new youth experience offered by Judo Otoshi.
  • Budget Planning 2024 - Parameters were presented to Council for 2024 budget planning to ensure an open and transparent budget process aligns with the overall direction established by the Strategic Plan.
  • Terms of Reference - The Town's Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee has proposed updated terms of reference, including the addition of the Advisory Committee on Disabilities, which is suggested to become a subcommittee of EDI to ensure synergy between both groups and to add resources to the work happening on accessibility within Riverview. The committee is also currently recruiting new members. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply by October 6, by filling out this form.


  • The Committee of the Whole recommend that Riverview Town Council direct staff to approve the five recommended actions informed by the Commercial Market Threshold Analysis as proposed by staff.
  • The Committee of the Whole made a motion to recommend that Riverview Town Council approve the development of the next Economic Development Strategy for the Town of Riverview by Champoux Inc. for the amount of $35,000.
  • The Committee of the Whole made a motion to recommend that Riverview Town Council award grants in the amount of $5000 to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library run by Anglophone East as well as $1000 for the CCGM Business Excellence Awards Gala.
  • The Committee of the Whole recommends approving the 2024 Budget parameters as presented by the Director of Finance. This is a routine process wherein staff present some assumptions with which to build the next year's budget around. These assumptions are based on discussions throughout the year on capital planning and various key projects that align with the Strategic Plan.
  • The Committee of the Whole recommended the approval of the updated terms of reference for the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee. 

Recommendations will be brought forward for adoption at the next Regular Council Meeting. View files associated with these recommendations in the agenda for this meeting. 

Council Statements / Inquiries

  • Mayor LeBlanc noted that last week was Municipality Week and thanked Town staff for the work that they do to make Riverview such a wonderful place.
  • Mayor LeBlanc also reaffirmed the Town's position of being an inclusive and welcoming place, in support of our 2SLGBTQIA+ community. No matter your background, the Town of Riverview strives to be a safe space where everyone is free to be themselves and a community that welcomes all.

Next Meeting  

The next Regular Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 10 at 7 p.m. The meeting will be live-streamed on our website.

Visit to view the recording and find the agenda available on Thursday prior to the meeting. For more information contact; 506-387-2136.