In Focus – Riverview Business Helps Display Artwork and Memories
A lot is happening at Kay’s Custom Framing and Gifts. The business is celebrating 40 years in business and one year at its new location on 540 Pinewood Road.
Connie Dilag immigrated to Canada from the Philippines back in 1981. “At the time, I was pregnant when we decided to make the big move,” she explained. After welcoming her daughter and settling into Moncton, the Dilags were hunting for a house to call theirs. In 1992, they purchased their forever home in Riverview.
After many years of working for various businesses and growing her family, Connie sought work closer to home and her children’s school. Opportunity would strike after being laid off, as she soon found herself working with friends at a local framing shop. “Both my friends were working for Edna Kay, the original owner. Luckily, she was hiring, and that’s where my journey began.”
In 1995, under Edna’s guidance, Connie was soon trained to do framing assembly. She then progressed to sales and then became Edna’s second in command. As Edna was getting ready to retire, the opportunity rose again for Connie to purchase the business.
Since taking over ownership and after six years of operation, Connie has grown the business tremendously and now has customers from all over Albert County and beyond. “We try our best to make our customers happy by providing a good quality product with fair pricing,” said Connie. “Seeing our customers get excited when picking up their frame and the smile when they get their final product makes what I do worthwhile.”
With Edna’s passing earlier this year, Connie often thinks fondly of her late great friend and mentor. “Edna was an amazing teacher, she knew how to get the job done with the best results,” described Connie. “She was also a very kind and generous person who loved her community and she inspires me to be the same.”
As a grandmother of two grandkids, Connie feels lucky to be a part of this community that has given her family a brighter future. “We are lucky to be a part of this community that is so supportive and friendly. We wouldn’t be here without their support,” she says. “Riverview has everything you need from shopping to groceries.”
We agree, Connie.
If you want great framing options or unique gift ideas, stop into Kay’s Custom Framing & Gifts. Make sure you follow their Facebook page as they are planning a fun upcoming contest for Canada Day.